Tag Archive for: Young Adult

Mary Ryan Jones
Andersen Light’s Georgie Jones' relationship with her mother, Mary Ryan Jones, isn’t complicated. It’s understandable. After all, people are multifaceted, and their relationship continually reshapes with life situations. Georgie’s…

Andersen Light Release Day Character Interviews
...how do you feel about your story being released into the wild?

What I Love About Georgie Jones
What do I love about Georgie Jones, my teen hero?
I love Georgie’s gumption. She displays her courage throughout the book, but we first witness her face her fear with a confidence battered by emotional attacks in the first chapter.
I like…

Accepted for Publication!
Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel has been accepted for publication!

Recommended Read―Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy
I recently read a young adult novel called Faith: Taking Flight by Julie Murphy. I found it in a book review (where, I wish I could remember so that I could credit and thank the reviewer). I like Murphy’s character Faith Hubert, a plus-sized…

Cafeteria Halloween Food
Halloween plays a huge role in my upcoming novel, Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel. There’s a big to-do at the lighthouse, at the high school (even the “teachers dressed to reflect their class subjects"), and many nighttime parties…

Getting Personal
The instructors, Reid Tracy and Cheryl Richardson, told us in the Hay House workshop (ref my December 5, 2017 post) we need to get personal, to let people get to know us. I am convinced I heard the collective, internal groans from the writers…

Luther Andersen
Luther Andersen, Lighthouse Keeper, Mystic & Mentor
We know Luther Andersen as as a mystical lighthouse keeper, mentor and professor. Tall with black and silver hair and amazing blue eyes, he is what teenager Georgie calls, “buff for…