Tag Archive for: Reader

Mary Ryan Jones
Andersen Light’s Georgie Jones' relationship with her mother, Mary Ryan Jones, isn’t complicated. It’s understandable. After all, people are multifaceted, and their relationship continually reshapes with life situations. Georgie’s…

Maria Elena
Like everything and everyone else in the story, we see Maria Elena through the eyes of Luther or Georgie.
From Georgie’s perspective, Maria Elena is Josefina’s mom and a most excellent cook. She is keeper of the greenhouse and plant…

Manuscript and Book Proposal Pit Crew
The manuscript and book proposal are completed, thanks to the last minute push by the pit crew. Both manuscript and proposal are on their way in the next step of their journey. Yay! Finally! Can you believe it?
Feeding you pizza hardly seems…

Popping Up Like a Prairie Dog
Hey, everybody! I am popping up like a prairie dog from a mountain of paperwork to check in.
My prairie dog is a little like Tron racing through a changing digital labyrinth. I leave my self breadcrumbs in real life and digitally while…

Lessons Learning—Treading into the Somehow Process
First time writers who know diddly about the book process, like me, receive a powerful shock-a-rooni jolt of reality. Like, we believe we’ll write the book and somehow, as if by magic, it will get “out there”.
I still believe that—my…

Fictional Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel, Part One
Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel is the fictitious lighthouse near the fictional town of Mystic Creek. It’s been in the Andersen family since its inception—before the Light House Establishment or its successor, the Lighthouse Service.…

Georgie and Josefina ask, “What Would Luther Say?”
When baffled by a new subject or problem, Georgie and Josefina respond with, “Let’s ask Luther,” or “What would Luther say?” Whether unexpected or truth the girls hadn’t yet faced, Luther’s guidance and instruction are kind, wise…

Meet Georgie’s Peeps: A Peek into a New Novel
Meet Georgie Jones's peeps, the Ryan and Jones families.
Mary, a commercial artist, is mom to Georgie and her sibling units, Bill and Rose. Mom’s parents, Grandpa and Grandma Ryan, have a farm in the country, complete with a goat, where…

Georgie Jones
Teen Georgie Jones has recently moved to live with her Dad after her life as she describes it, “tipped over and exploded”. The tipping over has left its mark, but hasn’t shattered her confidence—though she might admit to going over recent…

Not Your Everyday Lightkeeper
Luther Andersen’s feet are planted squarely on earth, but his life is far different from the everyday human’s. Outer appearances would have you mistakenly believe he is merely a middle aged lighthouse keeper, yet no lightkeeper is average…

Luther Andersen
Luther Andersen, Lighthouse Keeper, Mystic & Mentor
We know Luther Andersen as as a mystical lighthouse keeper, mentor and professor. Tall with black and silver hair and amazing blue eyes, he is what teenager Georgie calls, “buff for…