Mary Ryan Jones
Andersen Light’s Georgie Jones' relationship with her mother, Mary Ryan Jones, isn’t complicated. It’s understandable. After all, people are multifaceted, and their relationship continually reshapes with life situations. Georgie’s…

From Their Perspectives
Two points of view provides a rich contrast between teenager Georgie and Luther, an adult of an undeclared age. This

Local Authors, Author Life & Book Report
The last few weeks have been nicely jam-packed with activities, which have included meeting with local authors and my own author life works.
Las Cruces Writers
A few of the many local authors had our first in-person (since the start…

Wassup Behind the Scenes?
Dear Mom,
It’s been a month since my last letter. [Wait! That’s a different note. Let’s start over.]
Dear Reader,
It’s been a month since my last blog post. And what a month it’s been, filled with lots of doings behind the…

Accepted for Publication!
Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel has been accepted for publication!

Luther Andersen
Luther Andersen, Lighthouse Keeper, Mystic & Mentor
We know Luther Andersen as as a mystical lighthouse keeper, mentor and professor. Tall with black and silver hair and amazing blue eyes, he is what teenager Georgie calls, “buff for…

Hello, Voracious Readers!
Hello, voracious readers, readers with eclectic and adventurous tastes! I am excited to introduce you to the fictional world of Luther Andersen and Georgie Jones— ahead of the first book’s publication. Get to know all the characters,…