Entries by Tanya Dawson

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Grab a Comfort Book & Assume the Position

These are the times for comfort. We reach for comfort food (my latest favorite is Nairn’s gluten-free biscuit, especially the stem ginger and chocolate varieties) and find a cozy spot to snack and assume the position. What’s your comfort book? Odd contortioning aside, the aforementioned comfy position is ready-made for comfort books. Do you reach […]

A Big Furry Tearful Goodbye to Katie-dog

Sixteen-year-old Katie-dog was greeted at the edge of Rainbow Bridge by Shadow, my sister Paula, and Dad. Think what you will, I know it’s true. They told me they would come when the time came. It happened a week before Christmas. I know it is February now, but I haven’t wanted to write about it. […]

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I am grateful for last year. In the beginning I took on a transitional, and what I supposed would be a supporting role in a local New Thought church called Unity. Rather, the ministry immediately became life’s front and center—while I sported a deer-in-the-headlights look for much of it, at least on the inside. My […]