Entries by Tanya Dawson

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What I Love About Georgie Jones

What do I love about Georgie Jones, my teen hero? I love Georgie’s gumption. She displays her courage throughout the book, but we first witness her face her fear with a confidence battered by emotional attacks in the first chapter. I like her smarts, too, which she uses to analyze each situation she confronts. Analysis […]

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Grab a Comfort Book & Assume the Position

These are the times for comfort. We reach for comfort food (my latest favorite is Nairn’s gluten-free biscuit, especially the stem ginger and chocolate varieties) and find a cozy spot to snack and assume the position. What’s your comfort book? Odd contortioning aside, the aforementioned comfy position is ready-made for comfort books. Do you reach […]

A Big Furry Tearful Goodbye to Katie-dog

Sixteen-year-old Katie-dog was greeted at the edge of Rainbow Bridge by Shadow, my sister Paula, and Dad. Think what you will, I know it’s true. They told me they would come when the time came. It happened a week before Christmas. I know it is February now, but I haven’t wanted to write about it. […]

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The Fork & What Would Luther Say?

Indecision You’re in the angst of indecision. The weight of the “right” way presses your shoulders and stomach into knots as you face the fork in the road. You’ve researched and data gathered, analyzed, and listed the pros and cons, yet you remain paralyzed. Which is your best course of action? What Would Luther Say? […]

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Scary Query

Scary query? Let me just tell you…. Querying an Agent Querying a literary agent can be terrifying, even paralyzing to a degree. You may not know this, but a query letter is the precious thing upon which a writer rests the future of their book. In the query, the author must: Establish a connection with […]

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Writer’s Creep

Creep happens. I’d like to say writer’s creep happens especially when the writer is new. I’d like to wave my arm magnanimously and say there-there to myself. And while life happens, my progress wasn’t. When I heard the term creep, normally a project management reference, applied to my writing, I stopped in my tracks. Crapola! […]

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I am grateful for last year. In the beginning I took on a transitional, and what I supposed would be a supporting role in a local New Thought church called Unity. Rather, the ministry immediately became life’s front and center—while I sported a deer-in-the-headlights look for much of it, at least on the inside. My […]