Tag Archive for: #amquerying
Mary Ryan Jones
Andersen Light’s Georgie Jones' relationship with her mother, Mary Ryan Jones, isn’t complicated. It’s understandable. After all, people are multifaceted, and their relationship continually reshapes with life situations. Georgie’s…
A Big Furry Tearful Goodbye to Katie-dog
Sixteen-year-old Katie-dog was greeted at the edge of Rainbow Bridge by Shadow, my sister Paula, and Dad. Think what you will, I know it’s true. They told me they would come when the time came. It happened a week before Christmas.…
Scary Query
Scary query? Let me just tell you….
Scary Query
Querying an Agent
Querying a literary agent can be terrifying, even paralyzing to a degree. You may not know this, but a query letter is the precious thing upon which a writer rests…