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Meet Katie, Canine Coworker & Officemate

Meet Katie, Canine Coworker & Officemate


Katie, a perpetually shedding, half Beagle/half Shiba Inu, is my friend, canine coworker and officemate.

She follows me from room to room and stations herself somewhere between the door and me, either to guard or keep me in place.

Early mornings we both assume the positions for meditation and yoga/stretching. However, Katie’s role is more supervisory.

At break time she leaves for solar therapy and can be found sunning herself either outdoors or indoors, depending on her druthers.

As a writer’s assistant, Katie-dog:

Katie Downward Dog

Katie Downward Dog

  • Is a good beta manuscript listener (but not too big on providing feedback).
  • Provides a welcome focal point for me to stare as I work out a sentence or plot issue.
  • Seeks affection just as I need to return to the moment from wherever my mind has wandered.
  • Keeps the love flowing and gratitude rolling in.

And they say a writer’s life is solitary!

New fiction author, Tanya D. Dawson, has written a story for the young adult in all of us. Her pending novel, Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel, brightens the sometimes dark world of YA to deliver the angst and the weird in this inspiring adventure of mystery, intrigue, and mysticism grounded in today’s world. While Andersen Light: A Mystic Creek Novel is primarily set on the West Coast, Tanya lives and works in the American Southwest.

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