Hell or High Water: Appointment with My Self
I had to make an appointment with my Self, the “come hell or high water” type.
And now I’m finally here with my Self―BITCHOK (butt in the chair, hands on keyboard), an acronym I’ve borrowed many times from young adult author Cassandra Clare.
There’s no way to fool the true Self, but wow did I fool myself it had only been a couple of months since my last blog post!?! I told my Selves (I know you know what I mean) that today was the day, come hell or high water, that I would write.
There’s a funny thing about intention when it’s addressed to the true Self. The Self ain’t playing. It remembers and wants that specific appointment kept, no matter how long it takes. Meditating, exercising and contemplating life over a cup of Darjeeling and a handful of dark cherries isn’t the same.

In this case, my specific appointment with my Self was to write for this blog. Posting on Instagram or Facebook wasn’t sufficient. Those posts weren’t the deal we made. This is the deal.
Then my Self let me know she wanted more. My Self wants me to write to a letter to herSelf. Or is it that my Self wants to write a letter to me? Of course, I know the answer, since I am me after all. There shall be letters―to me, to others, from characters. I saw this letter thing in my mind’s eye grow like mushrooms build in cartoons or anime. Today’s will be short.
Dear Tanya,
Thank you for keeping our appointment, no hell or high water required.
I know you’ve been busy. I see the deer-in-the-headlights look in your eyes, posture and aura. I hear it in your thoughts, your voice, your dreams.
Go easy on yourself. Relax. It’s all okay. If you don’t get something done in a day, so what? Your dreams won’t suddenly vanish. Think of this appointment with me as a first step toward the advancement of those dreams.
Your Self
It was a good day.
Thank you, Vicki. Here’s to more good days all around! Take good of yourSelf.
MySelf is ever so grateful your Self kept the appointment. I love that She manifested the letter idea. Write, my friend, write!
Dear Val,
Thank you. I imagine you in your gourd cave burning and painting and letting the creativity flow!