
Tanya D. Dawson
Author, Writer, Reader

Tanya D. Dawson is a happy writer of fiction which she will tell you is “way more fun” than her previous work writing cybersecurity policies and documentation. She has emerged from a life-long career in defense and intelligence as a fresh voice with the intention to spearhead exciting, beyond-normal fiction for YA readers—without plummeting into the deep dark, and with a sparkling of light. Though fictional, her work is authentic, diverse and empowering.

Midwestern born, avid reader, and veteran of both USAF and USAF Reserve, Tanya lives in the American Southwest with her amazing husband, a fellow Star Trek and Star Wars fan, surrounded by a forest of mesquite trees and creosotes.

Photo credit:  John Craig Photography

Bits of My Story

I don’t live there now, but I was born in Missouri, where “show me” is a real thing and, to me, means having the desire to understand more.  I have lived several other places, including Illinois, Texas, Berlin, Germany (thanks to the USAF), Arizona, Northern Virginia, Utah and New Mexico. Though I don’t remember, Mom says our family lived in Denver for a few months after my brother was born.

My first real work was a poem from first or second grade. (There is a story here, but for another time.) I was on Miss Pickens’ high school yearbook team and, in another school, the newspaper staff. As a member of the local Aviation Explorer Post, I soloed a Cessna 150 at sixteen and got my JROTC wings. Later, my work as an USAF & USAFR special analyst and reporter led to many years of technical writing in the private sector. I spent most of my personal time as a student, then teacher, of metaphysics and personal development. Now my full-time career is writing fiction. Yay! I get to write fiction! News flash: fiction is way more fun!

Let’s Stay in Touch

Welcome! Since you’re reading this, you’ve found my website where I blog about my characters, all things Andersen Light and Mystic Creek, and sometimes about what’s going on around here or in my head. Stay connected and get notified of anything newsworthy, giveaways, and more.

Before You Go

Please remember that—when, not if— life gets stumbly, scary or confusing, you get to choose where your mind dwells, where your eyes rest, what and who you listen to, what you say, and what actions you will take (now or later), if any. You can always ask yourself, “What’s the best that can happen?” Luther would inspire and encourage us all to look up, focus on the good we wish for ourselves and others, and share our light with the world!

I  Am Grateful

I am grateful to so many, including you, my readers, my very important persons. Many people helped to make Andersen Light a reality for you. Be sure to check out my acknowledgements in the back of the book!

My wizardly webmaster, Bryan “Sully” Sullivan, is a long-time supporter of my writing life and remains integral to the Mystic Creek team. If you don’t have a Sully in your life, reach out to mine.

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